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Bruk følgende epost instillinger:

Secure SSL/TLS Settings
Username: Bruk tilsendt epost adresse
Password: Bruk tilsendt passord
Incoming Server:

  • IMAP Port: 993
Outgoing Server:

  • SMTP Port: 465


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Med vennlig hilsen <FONT COLOR=»#616D7E «>|</FONT> With best regards <br />
Fornavn Etternavn <FONT COLOR=»#616D7E «>|</FONT> Tittel<br />
Firmanavn <FONT COLOR=»#616D7E «>|</FONT> D: <a href=»tel: +47 xx xx xx xx»>xx xx xx xx</a> <FONT COLOR=»#616D7E «>|</FONT> E: <a href=» «></a> <FONT COLOR=»#616D7E «>|</FONT> W: <a href=»»></a><br />
<hr><br /><br />
</I> <a href=»»><img src=»bildeadresse» alt=»»></a> <I> <br /> <br /> <FONT face=”arial unicode ms”>
Slagord<FONT COLOR=»#808080 «> <br /> <br />
<br />
This e-mail may be confidential. If you have received this e-mail in error please note<br /> that you may not copy or use the contents or attachments in any way, and in that case<br /> please destroy this entire message and notify the sender. E-mails are not secure and<br /> we cannot accept responsibility if they are intercepted, diverted<br /> or corrupted or contain viruses. <br /> <br />


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Signatur forklaring Thunderbird